API monetization for the people 

Super cheap and easy API distribution platform.

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Quickly monetize existing APIs

Add the ReqHub middleware and set up pricing in just a few clicks.

.Net Core
.Net Framework
// Startup.cs

// In ConfigureServices()
services.AddReqHub("your_public_key", "your_private_key");

// In Configure()
// Put this between app.UseRouting() and app.UseEndpoints().
Open tutorial

Free to use

No subscription required, and we proudly have no "freemium" features. You automatically have unlimited access to our platform as soon as you create your account.



Access to all featuresUnlimited private APIsUnlimited public API listingsDaily payoutsCreate subscription plansCreate usage-based plans
The catch is that if you earn revenue through us, small transaction fees apply:
4.0% service fee2.9% + $0.30 credit card fee
You keep 93.1%! 🎉

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Create unlimited private microservices

You can have as many private APIs as you want—free! This is great for personal projects or internal microservice distribution.

MicroservicesOpen tutorial

Built for developers

Packages are available for .Net, NodeJs, Ruby, Python, and PHP—or write your own. We also provide Postman scripts for API development.

NodeJs.Net Core.Net FrameworkPythonRubyPHPPostman
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Find APIs in our marketplace

Hit the ground running with APIs for IoT, real estate, automation, and more.

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Ready to get started?

Create your account to start distributing APIs.

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